
How can you finance Lasik surgery in India?

The glasses on the tip of the nose or contact lenses in our eyes are quite irritating oftentimes. To wear these things for hours is tiring. Besides, it also stops you enjoy many things. Therefore many of us want to get rid of these and achieve vision correction without the help of these visual aids. However, once you’ve got an eye prescription, it’s nearly impossible to remove it naturally. The only way to improve your vision is Lasik surgery but the cost of Lasik surgery is quite high and creates a burden on your pocket. Because it is considered elective surgery, it is also not included in the most insurance policies. This means you have to bear the whole cost by yourself.

Now you might feel Lasik is out of your pocket and to achieve vision correction remains a dream for you. Well don’t get upset, you can still opt for the Lasik procedure. There are still various options available to finance your Lasik. These plans help you to bear the cost of your Lasik procedure in installment instead of lump sum. And also give you a life free from glasses or contact lenses. To know more about it, read the article ahead:

Personal loan

Banks and NBFCs are providing personal loans. These loans are given to bear the number of personal expenses. Such as debt consolidation, medical bills, vacation costs, unexpected expenses, etc. usually banks do not ask for the details of expenses you made with your personal loans. Hence you can use this money for your Lasik procedure and later pay in installments with some rate of interest. Personal loans are easy to get and with the proper documentation, it also approved early.

Medical loans

Some banks in India are also offering medical loans for medical emergencies. But as we know Lasik does not fall under medical emergencies that are why these banks come out with the specific plan of financing Lasik surgery under medical loans. These are also a type of personal loan but the only difference is in this loan the lender knows about the end-use of funds.  Otherwise, the documents are almost the same and after submitting it to the lender, you will get a medical loan for Lasik surgery as well

Employer assistance

For the benefit of employees, the top companies have an arrangement where they bear the medical expenses of the employees or their family members. You can talk to your HR and ask if your company provides the medical aid for the Lasik procedure as well. This is the best solution for you if you work in a company.

Tie up with hospital

Many hospitals in India have a program where they directly tie up with banks to finance expensive medical surgeries. In this bank directly pay your medical bills to the hospital including pre or post-surgery costs. And you can repay this loan in installments later with some interest.


These are some options available in India to finance your Lasik surgery and obtain 20-20 vision. Though there are some criteria for every program and you have to pass these criteria to get eligible for financing the procedure. However, if you don’t want to take the loan, you can also save for Lasik. If you do not need Lasik surgery in an emergency, you can start saving some part of your income and opt for it when you have money.

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