
5 facts you should know before undergoing LASIK eye surgery?

Utilizing cutting-edge technology, LASIK or laser eye surgery can help you treat your refractive error. Lasik is one of the most successful eye operations and it may significantly change your life forever.

After Lasik eye surgery, you can stop wearing glasses and contact lenses. In most instances, the outcome is swift and precise.

However, you should be aware of a few facts before having the Lasik treatment. It will enable you to explain the process more clearly.

5 facts about Lasik eye surgery

Perfect vision isn’t guaranteed

Despite claims that Lasik is the most successful eye surgery, there remains a chance that you won’t have perfect vision following the procedure. The outcomes of the Lasik procedure may vary from person to person. You might not have 20/20 vision if your eyes are highly powered.  If the doctor assures you that you will get 20/20 vision after the LASIK procedure, you should better choose another physician.

You will be awake during the procedure

It is a walk-in and out procedure and will complete within 15 minutes.  Throughout the entire procedure, you will be awake. You won’t experience any pain since your surgeon will anaesthetize the area around your eye. However, you can see everything that was going on around you.

You might not be a suitable candidate for Lasik

Yes, not everyone is a good candidate for Lasik. This might be the cause of the low rate of Lasik surgery adoption. Before having Lasik, your corneal thickness, corneal topography, tear production, and overall eye health must be evaluated. If all is in order, you can proceed with the operation. Your eye doctor won’t recommend surgery, nevertheless, if something is not exactly as needed.

In these circumstances, you might request different alternatives from your doctor based on your refractive error.

You could face some side effects

You may have heard that the Lasik surgery has no side effects, and to some extent, this is true. The side effects of Lasik surgery are not experienced by everyone. After the surgery, however, some people have certain side effects. You can encounter post-operative side effects including itchiness, soreness, dry eyes, and more. However, these are only short-term and go away in a few weeks.

This surgery may not include in an insurance policy

Lasik is an expensive surgery and the majority of insurance policies do not cover the cost of the procedure. As a result, you must pay for the procedure out of your own pocket. Planning your funds before the operation will be preferable. You can also inquire about the coverage of Lasik surgery with your insurance company before undergoing the operation. You can examine your company policy to see if your organization offers insurance to your employees and get benefits.

Final thought

Ask the eye surgeon all of your questions prior to having Lasik surgery. Recognize your refractive error and the likelihood that the surgery can fix your vision. Before having surgery, it is generally good to be very certain about your decision.


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MS, MAMS, Fellowship at Aravind Eye Hospital in Anterior Segment Microsurgery and Intra-ocular lens implantation.

Fellowship in ILADEVI CATARACT & IOL INSTITUTE under Dr. Abhay R. Vasavada, Ahmadabad.
Started Ratan Jyoti Netralaya in Gwalior on 21st April 1996.

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