
Is Lasik surgery irreversible? Do you have to have Lasik surgery again after ten years? The costs of Lasik eye surgery are not worth it in the long run?

These are the typical concerns people have before having Lasik surgery. You might get goose bumps at the thought of having an incision in your eyes. There is a number of doubts raised in your mind as you must be very confused about whether the procedure is right for you or not.

What if Lasik surgery didn’t work as planned and you didn’t receive the results you wanted after the Lasik surgery?

I can relate to all of these concerns, which is why I will discuss the long-term effects of the Lasik treatment in this article which will give you little clarity about this operation.

What is the Lasik surgery procedure?

Lasik surgery is performed to correct myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. It is one of the most effective eye procedures for treating refractive errors and correcting eyesight.

The entire process will be finished in around fifteen minutes. Your doctor will sedate the area surrounding your eyes instead of giving you an anaesthetic. As a result, you will be awake during the procedure, you cannot feel anything around your eyes.

To give you the eyesight you want, the eye doctor will create a tiny incision in your eyes and use a laser to reshape the cornea. He will then replace the old flap with a new one. You won’t need sutures because the eye will eventually mend on its own.

Recovery after the Lasik procedure

Depending on the patient, recuperation time following surgery may vary. Some people experience the results right away, while others could need a few hours.

Additionally, you can have itching, soreness, and puffy eyes after the surgery. Within a few days after the procedure, it will disappear and is rather common.

You should adhere to all of your eye doctor’s recommendations and give your eyes the appropriate amount of rest for better results and a quick recovery.

Long-term effects of Lasik surgery

You may have heard that the Lasik operation is not permanent and that you have to undergo it once more after a certain amount of time.

All of these, however, are merely myths that people have been spreading. Because Lasik is an irreversible operation, its effects won’t fade over time. You will enjoy the healthy eyes following the operation for long time.

 You can experience visual impairment as you age due to conditions including cataracts, presbyopia, and glaucoma, as Lasik surgery does not provide protection against other eye diseases.

However, Lasik has long-lasting effects, and the procedure itself won’t cause any complications for you.


There are many myths surrounding the Lasik procedure; therefore, before you believe them, speak with your eye doctor and have all of your questions answered. They will perform a complete eye examination and advise you on the best course of action according to your eye condition.


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MS, MAMS, Fellowship at Aravind Eye Hospital in Anterior Segment Microsurgery and Intra-ocular lens implantation.

Fellowship in ILADEVI CATARACT & IOL INSTITUTE under Dr. Abhay R. Vasavada, Ahmadabad.
Started Ratan Jyoti Netralaya in Gwalior on 21st April 1996.

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