
Debunking Myths about LASIK


Laser Vision Correction commonly referred to as LASIK has had a major impact on the lives of millions with reference to vision impaired individuals and glasses or contact lens dependency. However, prospective candidates are put off by various myths and misconceptions that exist even though this procedure has high success rates worldwide. Here, we cloth debunk some of the most com myths about LASIK popular myths about LASIK. Our top ten eye specialists in Gwalior at Ratanjyoti Eye Hospital make sure they enlighten our patients and their families well about the same and resolve any queries and confusions that may arise.

Myth 1: Yes LASIK Is Painful. 

Reality: Perhaps, one of the most common myths that exist about LASIK is the fact that the process of carrying out LASIK is painful. To tell the ethical truth, LASIK is principally painless. During the surgery local anesthetic eye drops are used to avoid discomfort while the surgery is being carried out. 

In some cases, it may cause comfortable pressure on the patient and this normally lasts for a short period of time. After the procedure, there are often slight sensations that are compared to itching or burning from an eyelash but liberate not later than a couple of hrs. 


Myth 2: Many people today may hear of LASIK and consider it safe, but in fact LASIK is very dangerous and insecure. 

Reality: LASIK is actually one of the safest and the procedures involving LASIK are one of the most researched elective surgeries. It has also been seen that as new skills in technology and techniques have been employed for the procedure, the success rate has improved a lot and complications, though very less, can occur. 

The clinical outcomes studies have revealed that LASIK has a success rate of more than 96% according to the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Again, the majority of the complications, if they arise, are mild and can be treated further. 


Myth 3: Result of LASIK Are Transient 

Reality: The last two misconceptions are that LASIK is not permanent, and its outcome might be negatively affected by further operations. In fact, the procedure that is carried out in LASIK operations alters the shape and therefore the texture of the cornea and these changes are irreversible. 

However, as with any procedure, it should be noted that LASIK does not eliminate the patients’ need for new vision correction as they age, for example, presbyopia, that appears at the age of forty. Most of the patients have excellent vision for years after the surgery, but some may develop presbyopia or may need enhancement surgery one day.

Myth 4: LASIK is an option to everyone 

Reality: Despite this, there are situations where LASIK is appropriate to be used the same way that there are cases where it is not. The normal volunteer should be over eighteen years of age and should be having stable refractive errors and not more than ±3. 00D myopia, ±2. 00D hyperopia or ±2. 00 DC astigmatism. 

A corneal thickness of less than 500 microns and uncontrolled conditions like severe dry eye, particular diseases, etc. may shortly exclude a person from LASIK surgery. Candidacy would require a detailed examination by an eye specialist before going under the knife. 


Myth 5: Lasik: Surgeons Taking Out Patients Sight 

Reality: One of the main issues that people have when it comes to LASIK is the conceivable loss of sight. However, serious vision loss as a result of Lasik is quite rare. LASIK eye surgery has advanced to include further enhanced safety today; the potential to not be able to see after the operation is remote, with those who have lost vision after the operation estimated at less than five thousand people to the world’s population. Serious side effects are rare and most complications only last for a few days to weeks for the body to heal. 


Myth 6: This resembles the admiration of putting on weight, LASIK is Only for Nearsighted People. 

Reality: It is also to be noted that LASIK can correct not only nearsightedness though it is often referred to as myopia correction surgery. It can also reuse disorders of farsightedness or hyperopia and astigmatism. This is true since the procedure can be modified to work directly for different vision complications, in most cases, treating various problems affecting the patient’s vision.

Myth 7: LASIK, therefore, takes a long time before an individual can recover fully. 

Reality: It should be noted that the period of rehabilitation after LASIK is incredibly brief. Most patients get some improvement in vision; sometimes, this improvement is attained within the first 24 hours; patients can often resume work or usual activities after 1 to 2 days. Although the patient should avoid heavy lifting and focusing on small objects for a week, the overall time of inactivity is much lower compared to many operations. 


Myth 8: Too much money is spent on LASIK. 

Reality: It should also be noted that the one-time cost of getting LASIK can costs a lot, but then again, one has to think about the big picture. There are the expenses for glasses, contact lenses themselves and for related accessories which a person can face during a lifetime. All of these are daily expenses that one has to incur severally throughout his or her lifetime, whereas LASIK is a one-time solution to them. Moreover, afraid of high costs, more clinics provide an opportunity for financement, and that makes the operation more available. 


Myth 9: Unfortunately, the Procedure Isn’t Customizable 

Reality: From the modern LASIK technology, patients can enjoy LASIK that is very specific in creating its corrections. Wavefront technology and other such diagnostics as are available ant allows the surgeon to create a graduated plan of action and treatment that take into account specifics of the patient’s eye. 

This customization serves to increase the accuracy and positive impacts of the surgery with a more desirable visual prognosis and less risks or complications.

Myth 10: Taking a closer look to it, LASIK can be described as a New and Experimental Procedure. 

Reality: LASIK has been practiced for more than one quarter century and is proven to be safe. It is paradoxical to note that it is not an experimental one, but indeed a procedure that has received adequate research and development. LASIK has been done on more than 20 million patients globally and numerous papers laid good accounts of the surgery. 



LASIK is an innovative surgical method which guarantees effective results and numerous testimonials of satisfied clients. Thus, our goal in dispelling these myths is to shed light on what LASIK is really like. That being the case, if you are planning for LASIK eye surgery, try and seek advice from an eye care professional so that you can be advised whether you are a candidate for the operation or not. So, with reliable information and professional  consultancy, one can make a wise decision towards the issue of vision correction and the quality of life. At Ratanjyoti Netralaya, our doctors, who are the best eye doctors in Gwalior, make sure they give the patient an idea about the same for them to make a decision rightfully.

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