
Different Types of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a chronic eye illness that has a negative impact on your vision. It is a serious condition that develops as a result of increased eye pressure and damage to the optic nerve. Glaucoma symptoms are often undetectable in the early stages and only become apparent when they begin to interfere with your vision. If left untreated, it might result in irreversible blindness. Even while glaucoma treatment does not help to restore lost vision, it does help to control eye pressure so that vision is not further damaged, according to the eye specialist of Gwalior.

There are four types of glaucoma, the most prevalent of which are open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma. Let’s look at the four types of glaucoma in brief:

Open-angle Glaucoma

In the open angle between the iris and the cornea, open-angle glaucoma has developed. This type of glaucoma is the most frequent type of eye disease. It affects about 90% of the population. It takes a long time to grow and it is painless.

It usually happens when the natural drainage tubes get clogged, increasing the pressure inside the eye. It is a lifelong disorder and the symptoms usually appear years after the onset of the disease

Angle-closure Glaucoma

Glaucoma that occurs at the narrow-angle between the iris and the cornea is a less prevalent type of glaucoma. The drainage canals become clogged, and fluid accumulates inside the eyes, leading to increased eye pressure.

This type of glaucoma grows swiftly, and the damage it causes is readily apparent. You may notice the severe eye pain and sudden onset of angle-closure glaucoma. This form of glaucoma requires prompt medical attention.

Normal-tension Glaucoma

Low tension glaucoma is another name for this form of glaucoma. Even though the eye pressure is not particularly high, normal-tension glaucoma damages the optic nerve. However, the cause of optic nerve damage in this kind of glaucoma is still a subject of research.

Congenital Glaucoma

Congenital glaucoma is mostly discovered in newborns. It happens when the ocular drainage canal does not fully mature during the prenatal period. Although this is a rare occurrence, it has occurred in some circumstances. Fortunately, microsurgery or medicine can be used to reverse this condition.


Glaucoma is a well-known eye disease that can result in permanent blindness in people all over the world. Although treatment is available, it will not be able to restore vision that has been compromised. The procedure is only successful in lowering eye pressure and preserving left vision. To protect your vision from glaucoma, you should be more aware of your eye health and schedule frequent eye exams. It aids in the early detection of disease that allows for better treatment.

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